Friday, March 22, 2013

In between the sheets

Late night.

Tossing. Turning.

Mind restless. Thoughts so overwhelming.

Everything from:
"Wow looked at my chipped, poorly polished nails"
"I wonder what my life will look like in 5 years..."

Seems my mind finds a thrill in late night pondering.

As I'm lying here... Between the sheets.... I see what God is showing me.
There is a constant battle of the mind "in between the sheets."
What I mean by that is there is a constant battle between your flesh and your spirit. What your spirit desires, and what your flesh craves.
Notice I said:
spirit- desires
Flesh- craves
You will always have a craving for things that momentarily satisfy you. What you do with that craving is up to you. Will you give in? Or will you follow the deepest desires of your soul.

When I find myself "in between the sheets" of compromise and temptation I quickly notice I am often tossing and turning. Shuffling around. Un-settled... Un-easy.

I'm not going to lie... Being 23 in this day and age is hard. Much harder then most people lead on. It's a constant awareness of my weak flesh. To be completely honest, it's not too hard to get caught up in drinking, sex, partying, smoking... It isn't.
Paul even says:

For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.
-Romans 7:15

When I realize my weakness I can ask for His strength. That when I am up late thinking... That my thoughts would incline to the things of God. That instead of wishing I had a guy.. that I would realize I am already His. Instead of browsing through Facebook... I would "get my face in His book." Instead of thinking of different ways to curl my hair, I would think about how I am taking care of my inner self.

This constant struggle of tossing and turning in between the sheets only reminded me that God never intended for your heart to be restless. He never intended for your heart to be broken, messed with, sabotaged, lied to... He wants to put your mind and heart at ease. Resting knowing He loves you no matter what. No matter the battle. No matter if you give in. No matter the sin you commit. When you turn to Jesus His love and Grace will always lead you to complete rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. -Matthew 11:29

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